Find Your Dates Below
Please see below dates !
These include dates for Face to face classes, stage rehearsal and recital dates. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Please see below dates !
These include dates for Face to face classes, stage rehearsal and recital dates. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Daddy Daughter classes will be booked through an individual link emailed to each Tiny Tutus family in June.
Through this link you will be able to once again view the compulsory scheduled DDD classes.
* Once your booking in finalised all DDD classes will appear in the *Dads own Parent Portal that is set up after registration is complete.
* Dads* will also be given access to the Learning Hub where they can practise all of the dance moves needed for their DDD routine.
No. Grandfathers, Uncles, Older brothers, or a family friend can substitute!
It is absolutely encouraged to attend all four class rehearsals. Please block the rehearsal dates out in your diary. If you have questions please contact the office for a chat.
It’s important to practice at home (either with or without your ballerina).
A child’s response in class and on stage can be very different. The Daddy Daughter dance is an experience that will last a lifetime and spending time at rehearsal and working through tricky situations with your daughter is as significant as performing the actual dance. Talk to your class teacher or our Daddy Daughtev Dance Co-ordinator if you have questeions or concerns.
Dads sit in the audience and watch the recital as usual. The Daddy Daughter Dance is usually the second last song. We will ask for the Dads* to come back stage during the performance. Dads* will all meet at the stage doors right before the performance and we will bring their daughters to them. Don’t worry – we walk through everything at stage rehearsal before recital. This is why attendance at stage rehearsal is compulsory.
YES! We know this is what you are here for! The Daddy Daughter Dance is one of the last items, so dads can re-join their families in the audience for the finale.
When you register yourself and your ballerina for Daddy Daughter Dance, the requirement is that you attend one compulsory Online Rehearsal plus two compulsory face to face rehearsals, as scheduled.
In addition to this, please be aware that the Stage Dress Rehearsal on stage orientation day is compulsory and cannot be missed under any circumstances as this is where stage placements occur.
Unfortunately, we are unable to alter the rehearsal schedule to accommodate individual travel plans, illness or holidays etc.
If you have back, knee or hip problems or other physical conditions that prohibit you from lifting your daughter or kneeling down, please check with your doctor prior to registering. Once you register for Daddy Daughter Dance, it is assumed that you are fit and able to participate.
We try not to change the rehearsal schedule, but this is “showbiz” and circumstances beyond our control sometimes cause schedule changes. If the schedule is adjusted we will endeavour to provide at least 24 hours notice. We will communicate with Daddy/Daughter participants via email. If you do not have email or if you never check your email, please prepare now for email communication.
At the Recital, Dads* will also be required to wear a dark coloured suit, a white shirt, and a tie.
Siblings will need their own participating adult to dance with on stage. Requests can be submitted for both ballerinas to have time to twirl with dad on stage if they desire. Call the office to discuss your options.
* At Tiny Tutus, we recognise love makes a family. Granddads, Uncles, Big Brothers, Cousins, Friends or Guardians are invited to perform if a ballerina’s father is absent or otherwise unable to perform.
By registering in the Daddy daughter dance, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the above terms and conditions and therefore forfeit any paid fees if you do not comply.
Please understand that your commitment upon registration needs to be thoroughly considered as we DO NOT OFFER REFUNDS under any circumstances.